The best way to know whether The Lennard Clinic is the right option for you is to call our admissions counselors Toll-free at (800) 705-2850; or (973) 596-2850 for the Newark location or (908) 352-0850 for the Elizabeth location.

 The Lennard Clinic welcomes men and women, ages 18 and over, for treatment of opioids. Our counselors will listen to you and understand the challenges you are facing. With that understanding, our team will offer an assessment of the level of care that is best for you. Whether you select The Lennard Clinic or decide to enroll elsewhere, we will present the best option in our judgment for every inquiry we receive.

Individuals seeking treatment must show acceptable proof of identification and residence; this may include, but is not limited to, a Picture ID.  Please note TLC will make every effort to identify an individual seeking treatment who may not present with a picture ID and will work with you to obtain the required identification.

If you explore your options and think The Lennard Clinic is the right fit for you, our admissions team will help to orient you to our treatment center. This includes staff introductions, completing paperwork, and finalizing financial arrangements.



When a person presents for admission, a preliminary screening will determine financial eligibility, identity, current addictions, age, past treatment, personal information and reason for treatment.  If the person is eligible, a urine sample for drug screening will be obtained.  A screening and intake is completed during the initial visit.  The organization uses the New Jersey Substance Abuse Monitoring System (NJSAMS), an instrument developed for substance abuse providers funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, to collect demographic and personal information for all admissions.  TLC will utilize NJSAMS to report patients to all programs in an effort to prevent multiple enrollments.  TLC will use the assessments to develop individual treatment plans.  The assessments will contain the following information:

·   The individual’s strengths, abilities, needs, preferences, attitudes, interests and skills are identified  explicitly for integration within an individual plan of care.
·   Presenting problems
·   Previous behavioral health history
·   Physical health history and current status
·   ASAM appropriate level of care
·   DSM-V substance abuse diagnosis

The Physician, assisted by the nurse, will administer a physical examination to determine current dependency and medical history.  The Physician will make the final decision on whether to admit the individual.  If admitted, the Physician will prescribe a dose of methadone, not to exceed 40 milligrams on the first day. 

Orientation: Each patient will receive a copy of the rules governing conduct, costs of program, operation hours, rights of the person served, confidentiality of record, and additional information to support program participation.

Comprehensive Individual Planning: An individual plan is developed with each patient within the first 30 days of treatment following a comprehensive psychosocial assessment. The patient is a full participant as goals and objectives are based on individual needs, strengths, abilities and preferences. Goals are in the patient’s own language, and the patient has open access to the individual plan upon request. Every 90 days the treatment plan is reviewed, and revised, as necessary.

Individual and Group Counseling: Each patient is assigned a primary Counselor who is responsible for the patient’s coordination of care. Individualized and group counseling therapy sessions take place to assist the patient in completing individual treatment plan goals and objectives. Counseling is provided under a 6-phase system.  As the patient moves up the phase system, visits to the clinic are reduced. Each Counselor has an average caseload of fifty (50) patients, and develops treatment plans by agency standards.  The patient addiction severity determines the type and frequency of counseling sessions. Regular scheduled meetings are held with each patient to review the progress of their individual goals and update and/or revise the Individual Plan. 

Crisis Intervention: Emergency response to medical and/or mental health crisis is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff uses on-call procedures to ensure timely and effective response to all situations that require specialized crisis intervention.

Medication Management:  Physicians, supported by Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses, provide TLC’s core medical services.  Included among the range of health and support services provided on-site are:

·  Initial physical exam and annual medical assessment
·  Physical examinations
·  Methadone dosage prescription and dispensing
·  Chronic illness care
·  Referral treatment for: tuberculosis, Hepatitis A, B and C, sexually transmitted infections (STI), skin                 infections, lesions, pneumonia and other medical complications.